Physics of Fitness Fridays - Incline vs Decline Push-Ups
Welcome to Physics of Fitness Fridays! Here I’ll take a random fitness or exercise move and explain the physics behind it. The images are created for my Instagram feed, which you can find here. In this blog, I’ll get more into the math details for all of you nerds out there.
So there you have it! You may have more questions, like, “how do you calculate the actual center of mass?”, or “how did they determine that your arms are 10% of your bodyweight?”, or “wait, what about wall pushups, or if my hands are on an incline?” I’d love to answer those, but this blog is already way too long, so I will save these for another time.
Questions? Comments? I wanna hear them? You can “weigh in” (ha! get it?) down below…