
You may be wondering…who is Megan? Who is Jane Reaction? Wait, what should I call you?

Back in 2005, while studying physics in Chicago, I was introduced to roller derby – and was instantly drawn to the sport. As a result, I learned how to roller skate and joined one of the local leagues.

One task remained: determining my derby name. I wanted something that paid homage to my physics background. After weeks of hair pulling, a friend suggested: “why not Jane Reaction?”


I skated for one season in Chicago while finishing my PhD, then almost three more while living in Minneapolis. I was known for hard hits and bony shoulders. After accumulating some great memories, numerous bruises and a black eye, I decided to retire. But to my derby friends, I still go by Jane.

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Many years and a couple of cross-country moves later, I landed in North Carolina and fell into the world of aerial silks. My skills were a hot mess my first year, but I fell in love with the artistry and collaboration of aerial. I had a profound respect for the strength and beauty required in each performance, and quickly found myself spending hours perfecting moves and sequences to create my own performances.

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During all of this, I was lifting at the gym and doing exercise videos. But I was getting tired of the regular routine and decided to start creating my own workouts. First one friend asked to join, then two, then three…over a year and a half, I had a rotating crew of about ten people sweating alongside me. I found myself scouring websites, reading about different exercises and new modalities, always looking for a new great workout. It was then that I decided to pursue a career in fitness and complete my certification through NASM.

The next thing I knew, my husband and I had relocated to beautiful Santa Barbara, CA. Shortly after our move, however, COVID hit. Yikes!

But I made lemonade out of those lemons…I honed my craft teaching online classes, both through corporate fitness and the development of my own personal fitness video library.

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And now, I’m back and better than ever, offering both in-person and online personal training and outdoor fitness classes. So let’s work out! I can’t wait to meet - and sweat with – you!

So call me Megan, call me Jane, just don’t call me late to dinner!

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