Warriors, come out and plaaayyyy! *clink clink clink*
Okay, there won't be any epic fights in colorful gang costumes, but you WILL get a brutal strength and cardio workout. Enjoy beautiful canyon views while you slam med balls, swing battle ropes, and more!
Location: Jane Reaction Fitness HQ, 410 Alameda Padre Serra, Santa Barbara, CA
Class drop-in: $15/person. You can buy tickets here, or pay via Paypal (@mmkrejny) or Venmo (@Megan-Krejny).
Equipment required: water, towel, and a desire to WORK HARD!
Please note that you will need to sign a waiver if this is your first time working out with me, so arrive a few minutes early if you need to do that. Or, save time and click here to fill it out in advance.
Click here for my Covid-19 safety protocol.
See you soon!