Details: We’ll focus on eight compound movements, starting with long intervals (60s work, 30s rest), then working our way down.
Location: Oak Park (park on the street near the intersection of Quinto and Alamar and look for me under the trees)
Time: Thursday, 11:30am. This will allow plenty o’ time to clear out before street cleaning goes into effect at 1pm.
Equipment needed: Water, towel, mat, and two dumbbells. You can borrow weights for a nominal $2 fee.
Note: Social distancing guidelines are in full effect. Please read my Covid-19 guidelines here.
To register:
1) Please pay $15 via Paypal (mkrejny AT gmail DOT com) or via Venmo (@Megan-Krejny). Please add $2 to your fee if you wish to borrow dumbbells, and let me know what size weight you would like as a comment. If you choose to pay with cash, please bring exact change.
2) If this is your first time working out with me, please fill out the online waiver
Questions? Feel free to contact me via email.